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While Don Giovanni may be the larger than life focus of the opera the three women that impact his life become key elements to this production as the plot unwinds. Donna Anna (Me[a]gan Miller) corners the market on woeful arias. Bereft by the death of her father Miller’s grief is profound in the purest form, reverberating through a myriad of soprano glissandos, particularly when pleading with Don Ottavio (Juan Francisco Gatell) to avenge her father in the aria “Or sai chi l’onore.” Her posture falls sick with mourning as she laments his death and the tragedy it causes her love life.
Interestingly formidable, despite her mournfully dutiful arias, Meagan Miller brings much immediacy to her quest to see Don Giovanni brought to task. Though her embraces with long-suffering fiancé Don Ottavio look more like tussles and she does, with some rather dramatic costuming, threaten to swallow him, Miller shines with undeniable earnestness. A vibrant soprano singing with power, she brings soulful potency to her sad moments
The cast is more than supportive: American soprano Meagan Miller, supple, strong and working with throat trouble and triumphing as Donna Anna,
Meagan Miller brought similar depth to Donna Anna, too often portrayed as a cardboard harbinger of vengeance. Her extended scena leading up to "Or sai chi l'onore" the most compelling part of that long act, not just narrating the lead-in to that famous aria but vividly illustrating the events of her father's death. (She was helped by thoughtful conducting from Philippe Auguin.) Ms. Miller sang the famous number with force and clarity of tone, riveting the audience.
Bringing her musicality and noble air to the stage in her WNO debut, soprano Megan Miller was convincing as Donna Anna, serving soaring high notes in spite of her throat infection.
Soprano Meagan Miller sang the role of Donna Anna with haughty passion, almost biting off some of her sung lines as she radiates fury and vengeance toward her father, the Commendatore’s murderer.
Soprano Meagan Miller, in a powerful company debut, gave plenty of punch to the role of Donna Anna, with pure, floating high notes that added an angelic aura.
Anna represents the strongest alternative to Giovanni's way of life and Miller's sparkling coloratura beautifully illustrates Anna's passion and intensity.
Meagan Miller, as a fabulously attired Donna Anna, ... capped a vibrant portrayal with a shapely, eloquent "Non mi dir."
Donna Anna was sung by soprano Meagan Miller. Her voice has a solid ring to it, and she successfully carried off the difficult role.
© Meagan Miller 2013; Web Site: UPsites Web Studio