Reviews - Opera
As Brünnhilde in Graham Vick's RING in Palermo
"Meagan Miller, despite the announcement that she was unwell, was a remarkable Brünnhilde, with good volume and a beautiful timbre. She was able to depict moments of poetry with her limpid soprano, even though only one long scene is dedicated to Brünnhilde in this opera."
-Edoardo Pelliga, BACHTRACK"Ed ecco che mentre Meagan Miller diffonde il suo saluto al mondo – inizialmente un po’ in sordina, ma poi sempre più intensa e affascinante ... L’intera scena pesa dunque sulle spalle di soprano e orchestra, che però per fortuna se la cavano decorosamente."
And then, while Meagan Miller spreads her greeting to the world - initially a little muted, but then more and more intense and charming ... The whole scene therefore weighs on the shoulders of soprano and orchestra, but fortunately they manage it with dignity.
-GBOPERA"Il duetto con la risvegliata Brunilde, la soprano Maegan [sic] Miller ... è altalenante ma grazie soprattutto alla sua voce fresca e trascinante, ... si arriva comunque ad un coinvolgente happy end tra i due."
The duet with the awakened Brunilde, the soprano Maegan Miller ... is fluctuating but thanks above all to her fresh and compelling voice, ... we still get to an enthralling happy end between the two.
-FATTITALIANI"Meagan Miller è stata una Brunnhilde rigogliosa e in ottime condizioni che ha avuto il pregio di saper cantare una parte dove quasi tutte urlano con fiati ed acuti lunghissimi."
Meagan Miller was a thriving Brunnhilde and in excellent condition who had the advantage of being able to sing a part where almost all scream with floating and very long high tones.
-MTG LIRICA"Il suo cammino culmina nell’incontro con la risvegliata Brünnhilde, interpretata da Meagan Miller. La voce e la presenza fisica della cantante creano una Brünnhilde credibile"
His journey culminates in the meeting with the awakened Brünnhilde, played by Meagan Miller.The voice and physical presence of the singer create a credible Brünnhilde
-Monika Prusak, IL CORRIERE DELLA MUSICA"la walkiria Brünnhilde (la celestiale soprano Meagan Miller."
the Valkyrie Brünnhilde (the celestial soprano Meagan Miller)
-Enrico Rosolino, VERVE MAGAZINE"Ottimi tra tutti, la Brünnhilde di Meagan Miller"
Excellent among them all, the Brünnhilde of Meagan Miller
-Roberto Oddo, KABARETT